
Since 2015, I have been giving keynotes, lectures, seminars and workshops on African-European topics.

How can we Europeans work together with African countries? Why is the digital transformation progressing differently in African countries? What we can learn from digital Africa? Why is Africa different from what we usually think?

Hans Stoisser

Some topics Keynotes Afrika:

Afrika im 21. Jahrhundert

Kesho Business – Why Africa must become the pioneer market of European comapnies

Peter Drucker and Africa

Silikon Savannah – Why we should be part of Africa’s innovations

Silicon Savannah: Von der Innovationskraft des digitalen Afrikas lernen

Eine Welt der Unsicherheit: Was wir von Afrika lernen können

Connecting with African Startups

Africa rising and the role of China

Market Creating Innovations

Doing Business in Africa – the next Frontier Market

Die Afrika-Chance. Was wir von und in Afrika lernen müssen

Wertschätzendes Management – Europas Alleinstellungsmerkmal in einer globalen Welt?

Learning Journeys to „digital Africa“

Hans Stoisser at Challenge accepted
Foto: Vera Subkus
Hans Stoisser at Challenge Accepted
Foto: Vera Subkus
Hans Stoisser at FH Vorarlberg

Foto: Ludovit Garzik
Hans Stoisser
Foto: WKO OÖ

Hans Stoisser in der Serendipity Lounge
Foto: Jürgen Sturany
Hans Stoisser bei Europäischer Mediengipfel Lech
Foto: pro-media

Hans Stoisser bei brand eins
Foto: Tinka und Frank Dietz
Hans Stoisser in Berlin
Foto: Sina Kaufmann
Hans Stoisser in Fresach
Foto: Europäische Toleranzgespräche Fresach, Mai 2016

Foto: WKO OÖ
Hans Stoisser bei brand eins
Foto: Tinka und Frank Dietz
Hans Stoisser in Serendipity Club